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International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Sustainability

Bibliographic Information

Website : Website
Publisher : Publisher
Official Publications : Official Publications
pISSN : Online ISSN
eISSN : Print ISSN
Impact Factor : Impact Factor
DOI Of Journal : DOI of Journal
Frequency: Bi-Annual
Publishing Since: 2019
Abbreviation: Abbreviation
Origin: India
Language: English
Scopus ID: Scopus ID
Index Copernicus Value (ICV): Index Copernicus Link
Readership: Readership
Indexing : Indexing
Editorial Office : Editorial Office
Address for Correspondence : Address for Correspondence
International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Sustainability

Name: Editor-in-Chief Name

Affiliation: Editor-in-Chief Affiliation

Scopus ID: Editor-in-Chief Scopus ID

ResearchGate Id: Editor-in-Chief Research Gate ID

Web Page: click Here

The journal aims at creating a platform for agricultural engineers, teachers, professionals, and organisations seeking innovative knowledge, developments, latest trends and solutions to current and upcoming challenges in agriculture keeping in view environmental issues and sustainability by sharing and discussing stimulating, latest and innovative articles focusing on high-quality research.

 The scope of the journal covers research articles, review articles, methodology articles, short communications, case study/ case reports, research reports, monographs, special issues, editorials research articles, reviews, short communications and scientific commentaries in all the areas of agriculture science and technology.

The journal publishes original papers including but not limited to these fields:Biotechnology, biochemistry, marketing, economics, philosophy, entomology, industry issues, inputs and products, machinery and equipment, genetic and microbiology, horticulture, food, environment and culture, waste management, finance and business management, agroinformatics, agrophysics, agroecology, agronomy, animal anatomy and physiology, animal reproduction, animal nutrition, aquaculture, advanced crop production, crop and pasture, crop scouting, organic farming, precision agriculture and data handling, applied plant pathology, seed and grain quality, weed and pesticide, dairy cattle management, soil science and soil management, vegetable production and management, waste management of agroproducts. 

Indexing Information: ISA, DRJI, ESJI, Jour informatics, SIS, BASE, IFSIJ, JSTOR, Infobase index, OAJI.

International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Sustainability

Google Scholar Link

Indexing Information